Sunday, 7 April 2013

April 6-7, 2013

I was on an American university campus with my friend, Perla. I don't know why. But she was back from her trip to SE Asia and she was talking about it while we were walking around campus, trying to figure out where to eat for lunch. We walked a lot, going up and down lots of stairs. She was a member of a group on campus, and she wanted to check it out, possibly have lunch there. When we went up to the table to tell the coordinators her name, they told her that she needed to pay $11. And since I wasn't a member of the group, I would have to pay more. It wasn't worth it for me, so we parted ways, her going into the ballroom/gym for the lunch and me trying to find another place to eat. I walked out of the building, and found myself on a dock or a wharf of some kind, right outside the place where Perla and the rest of the group was eating lunch. Anyway, I walked along the wharf and saw what looked like ramps to get onto a boat, like on the SeaBus, a boat that goes from Vancouver to North Van where I live. I figured that they were going to go somewhere, except that Perla didn't tell me about it, so I suspected that everyone in the room having lunch were going to go somewhere without knowing. I turned around to warn my friend, except that's when I woke up.

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